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Château Roc de Calon: these four words describe the haven to which Bernard and Sylvie and their now adult children Thomas and Marie return whenever possible, to carry on the work of this unique estate from which they draw their strength and inspiration.



Ever since Théophile, Robert’s father-in-law and Bernard’s grandfather, bought the first hectares on the Butte de Calon hill, the family has forged an indissoluble bond with the land from which they draw their energy. It is precisely this power, deriving from the encounter between a unique terroir and the exceptional characters of those who work it, that is felt in these remarkable wines.



According to a well-known expression, a family that fights together stays together; in Bernard Laydis’s household, it is as if the family has drawn its temperament from the very mountain. They display the energy, enthusiasm and passion of people who know what they want and who love to share, communicate and assert their pleasure of being together.



This energy is reproduced in the other symbols of the estate: from the imposing wooden bull that welcomes visitors to the cellars of the Château to the motor sports so popular with the Laydis family, and so well-suited to their character.

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