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The Harvest of the 2023 Vintage at Château Roc de Calon

October 2023

September is finally over, and with it one of the most important periods of the year at Château Roc de Calon: the harvest. It’s the moment when our vineyard comes alive with frenetic activity as we harvest the ripe fruits of a whole year’s work in the vines. Let’s go behind the scenes of this decisive period.


Climatic Conditions and Adaptation

The summer was very dry, with very strong heat waves in Gironde.  These climatic conditions affected the quality and volume of our harvest. We had to adapt by bringing forward the date originally planned for the harvest. The weather also had an impact on the typicity of our vintage, which will need to evolve according to the vinification and ageing process.

Choosing the Right Moment

We wait patiently for the grapes to reach full ripeness, which generally occurs in September for our vineyards. This year, under the responsibility of our production manager Jean Denis, the supervision of our consultant oenologist and the owners of the estate, our team began harvesting the Merlot grapes (as they are the earliest), followed by the Malbec and Cabernet Franc from September 8 to 13. Work continued until September 27 to harvest the Cabernet Sauvignon.

A Day at Harvest Time

From Monday to Sunday during the harvest period, our team, accompanied by specially adapted machinery, generally starts around 6:30 a.m. to fill the vats in the cool of the morning. Harvesting is completed around 2 p.m. before work begins in the winery.

What are the Expectations for this Vintage?

Despite the unusual weather conditions, our grapes reached perfect ripeness, ensuring good quality. Their excellent sanitary condition enabled fermentation to begin in the best possible conditions. Currently in the maceration phase, we anticipate a fresh, fruity 2023 vintage, to be drunk within the year.


We look forward to tasting and introducing you to this new vintage!

In the meantime, you can discover older vintages and purchase.


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